
ownCloud is an Enterprise level File Sync and Share system from the Open Source community, providing a highly secure public and on site/on premises solution to meet strict  file sharing regulations. ownCloud Enterprise edition is supported and developed by ownCloud in Nuremberg, Germany.

We are ownCloud Partners for the UK market.

Why would you consider using ownCloud?

Is your company wanting to protect valuable data while allowing workers to share and synchronise files in any device and from anywhere? If this is the case, you can’t trust public clouds over which you have no control, you can’t set security rules and, more importantly, where it is really hard for your IT department to be 100% sure that your company’s data is where it must be (and only there) and managed following your expected levels of privacy and security.

As the old adage says that if you don’t want something to be public you just have to avoid gossiping  about it, the IT version of that could be that if you don’t want your files to become public… never let them fly outside of your control.

ownCloud has all the tools you need to make your people more productive while keeping a single administration plane for your IT staff, improving data availability but never relaxing security and audit capabilities.

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